John Collins, was a gifted speaker, teacher and mentor. Many thousands have been impacted by his ministry--whether through his direct pastoral touch, or the dozens of men and women who have served in ministry due to his influence. Unfortunately, he passed away suddenly in 2001.
Since John's ministry took place during the 80's and 90's, any preservation was captured on cassette tapes, VHS Tapes, or giant U-matic tapes. This had the regrettable effect of John's voice falling silent for a season. His son, Jeramy, has undertaken a project to digitize the collection into video and mp3 files. The legacy John left behind is one for future generations to experience. This podcast is dedicated to his memory and ministry.
John shares the importance of recognizing sin for what it is, a cancer. It doesn’t stay contained. We cannot look at sin and pretend it’s not a big deal. It spreads and grows until it brings us to death. Sin… Listen Now
006 – Who are You Going to Hell With – Part 2
John concludes his message on different types of people we encounter who come to tempt us
and lead us away from God’s plan. Satan’s goal is to lead us down his path of death and
destruction. Jesus will always point… Listen Now
005 – Who Are You Going to Hell With? – Part 1
John shares with us pressures that go through in life. Whether it be Peers, Pals, or Parents, we
are all pressured by those around us and we must understand if we are the influencer or the
influenced. Jesus faced these… Listen Now
004 – You Smell
This week, John shares how living a life for Christ means that we must die to ourselves. This
can cause us to “smell” like life to some and death to others. Living for Christ is a sacrifice of
personal desires… Listen Now
003 – The Aches of Wrath
John covers a common question Christians face, “Is it right or wrong to get angry?” Anger itself is not wrong but can lead to disaster when kept unchecked. When we have an issue with anger, it is our responsibility to… Listen Now
002 – Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On
This week, John shares the importance of allowing God to shake up our lives to sift the impurity that can cloud our thoughts and judgement. When God shakes us up it is always out of love and never out of… Listen Now
001 – Foundational Faith
In this first release of the Discipleship of John Collins, John explores the meaning of faith and why it is so is important to our lives. Just as faith is a priority in our spiritual life, the topic of faith… Listen Now